It’s never too early to shop for Christmas gifts. In fact, now is the perfect time to start shopping for presents. However, while it’s thrilling to begin canvassing for gifts, most of us suffer from a common holiday struggle: running out of gift ideas. 

Don’t worry; we’re here to help you in that department! Would a holiday card suffice? Perhaps you can give something more thoughtful, like a DIY gift or a festive neon sign

But before that, aren’t you curious about how and where Christmas gift-giving started? 

X-Mas Unwrapped: Why Do We Give Gifts on Christmas?

You might find it surprising that while Christmas is a holiday heavily tied to Christianity and Catholicism, giving gifts during the festive season might have ironically originated from a Pagan practice.

The Ancient Romans have already begun the gift-giving tradition long before the birth of Jesus and the advent of Christmas. Every winter solstice, the Romans would celebrate Saturnalia, a festival for Saturn, the god of agriculture. 

For an entire week, the entire Roman population, masters and slaves alike, would gather for a series of public banquets, feasts, rituals, and other private festivities to express their deep gratitude for the Roman god. 

One of those private festivities was Sigillaria, a designated day for giving presents. Contrary to the modern gift-giving tradition, Romans actually exchanged presents of lesser value. They believe that giving more modest gifts shows the strength of a bond. 

Aside from gift-giving, the Ancient Romans also decorated their homes with festive ornaments like wreaths, candles, and holiday-related figurines, similar to modern Christmas traditions. 

The Roman festival and Christmas are so alike, in fact, that people have speculated that Christmas and its customs actually came from Saturnalia. 

Rumor has it that when the Roman empire turned into a more Christian and Catholic kingdom, they could not let go of a few Pagan practices, Saturnalia traditions included. Instead of completely removing these practices from their culture, they incorporated them into what we now know as Christmas traditions. 

Of course, if we’re going the more Christian route, the practice of gift-giving during the holiday season stemmed from the tale of the three wise men. These three Magi followed the star of Bethlehem, which brought them to Jesus. The wise men presented gifts and gold in celebration and worship of Him. 

Another religious figure we can associate with gift-giving is St. Nicholas of Myra, known for his kindness, benevolence, and inclination to give gifts. As a matter of fact, the life of St. Nicholas inspired the idea of a similarly generous, jolly white-bearded man. 

Whichever you believe, one thing’s for sure: gift-giving is rooted in the idea of conveying appreciation for other people and celebrating the bonds we’ve created with them. Gift-giving inherently stems from gratitude and selflessness. 

5 Gift Ideas This Holiday Season

After knowing all about the roots of our present-day Christmas traditions, you must be excited to start shopping for gifts. There are plenty of gift ideas to choose from, such as a box of chocolates or a refreshing drink. Perhaps you want to give something more thoughtful, like a sincere letter or a photobook filled with your pictures.

In any case, your friend will surely enjoy any heartfelt gift from you. So without further delay, here are some presents that can strengthen your friendship. 

Food & Beverage: Homemade Dish

They say the way to the heart is through the stomach, and they’re correct! Some people would simply buy prepackaged meals, pastries, and snacks. There’s no harm in giving them as gifts. But why don’t we take it to the next level? 

A homemade dish will warm your friend’s heart. Try cooking your friend’s favorite meal, or take a chance at making their favorite beverage. With the power of the internet at your fingertips, you can search for any and every recipe, so you don’t have to feel scared about messing up. 

Clothes: Socks, Mittens, Gloves!

While it is true that some other presents can be more entertaining, giving clothes as gifts can show how much you care for your friend’s wellbeing. 

You may be hesitant to go through with this gift idea because you don't know your friend’s size or style. So why don’t we forego the shirts, dresses, and pants and focus on other garments?

Warm up your buddy with Christmas- or winter-themed socks, mittens, gloves, scarves, and beanies. Doing so keeps your friend snug and stylish. Better yet, if you’ve got the time and the skill, try knitting these pieces for your pal. 

Music: Vinyl Records and Player

Music is known to be the voice of our souls. Giving musically themed presents to your friend lets them know that you pay attention to and appreciate their taste in music. So sing your hearts out and dance the night away with some vinyl records.

While gifting normal album CDs or carefully curated Spotify playlists will suffice, vinyl records of your friend’s favorite musicians and an LP player might be better for Christmas presents. Not only do they sound better than usual CDs, but LP records also look way cooler and give off that precious nostalgic feeling.

Accessories: Zodiac Sign Jewelry

Astrology and zodiac signs are all the craze nowadays. It’s no surprise that they’re taking over almost every piece of merchandise in the market, from stickers and journals to clothes and accessories. 

If your friend is a lover of all things astrology, they would highly appreciate some zodiac sign-inspired accessories. According to horoscope enthusiasts, wearing constellation jewelry like necklaces, rings, and bracelets can actually bring luck and fortune and give guidance in daily life to its wearer. 

You can also give healing crystals and gemstones to your best friend. 

Personalized Gifts: LED Neon Sign

Crafting a gift to your friend's exact likeness further highlights your connection with your best friend. It shows them how much your friendship means to you. Consider giving a customized LED neon sign to your pal.

Are they a fan of Stranger Things? Give them a Bitchin’ or an Eggos neon sign. Huge Marvel lover? Maybe they’ll appreciate a Captain America shield neon light or a WandaVision sign. 

If your friend is a Travis Scott lover, why not gift them an ice-blue Cactus Jack LED neon sign for Christmas? Or perhaps they are a dedicated Swiftie and would love to hang a neon sign referencing Taylor Swift’s All Too Well 10-minute version on their wall.

3 Tips for Early Christmas Shopping

We can’t let you go with just gift ideas and leave you to shop on your own this holiday season! So we’ve listed a couple of tips to guide you through your early Christmas shopping spree.

  1. Create a shopping list. It’s wise to list what you need before you even go windowshopping for holiday gifts. Make a list of friends you wish to give gifts to and their presents. Doing so allows you to plan and effectively manage your budget.
  2. Check for gifts online. Shopping and buying from online stores can be extremely convenient during Christmas, especially if you’re too busy doing other tasks during the holiday season. Check shops online before venturing outside because online shops can have discounted prices and on-sale items that aren’t as cheap as onsite shops. 
  3. Mind your budget. The most important rule of holiday shopping is to always stick to your budget. That’s the purpose of creating those lists! While you’re shopping for gifts, don’t forget to stick to your plan to avoid overspending. 

Celebrate the Spirit of Christmas With a Cactus Jack Light!

The tradition of giving gifts may have started from several different sources: an ancient Pagan festival, the tale of the three wise men, or inspired by the life of an extremely generous fellow. Whichever it is, remember that it is done with gratitude, appreciation, and selflessness in mind.

Spread joy this festive season with Neonize!

Neonize has a wide array of LED neon signs and lights you can gift to your friends and family. So whether they’re an anime junkie or a Marvel maniac, Neonize has all these designs and more for your precious pal! 

Our neon signs and lights are made with LED Flex, PVC, and high-quality acrylic materials with rubber flex tubing, making them durable and perfect for either indoor or outdoor events. Moreover, our neon lights are easy to install using our installation kits, so you’d have no trouble mounting them up your walls. 

Purchase a neon Cactus Jack sign in your loved one’s preferred color. Or send in your custom design to us to get a personalized neon sign! 

Check out our selection to find the perfect present this holiday season!

Do you aspire to have your own Rich Uncle Pennybags or Chester Cheetah? Being on the list of the most popular brand mascots of all time can do wonders for marketing. It puts your brand on top of consumers' minds and makes you the industry leader other businesses aspire to be.

But how can you make sure that your brand reaches that celeb-like level of popularity? A brand mascot is one thing, but making it recognizable is another.

The competition is difficult because everyone else does the same thing. If your competitors also have their brand mascot, how will you set yours apart? First, you need an effective way of marketing your mascot. There are many options but have you ever thought of neon LED signs? If not, let's talk about why it's worth trying!

Reasons to Have a Brand Mascot for Your Business

Branding is a crucial aspect of any business. You want customers to be able to identify your business instantly, and a brand mascot can significantly help with that. But knowing whether you need a brand mascot depends on the following factors:

Ultimately, it's up to you whether or not you'll create a brand character for your business. But, with exceptional marketing, you may still shine regardless of product complexity or type of industry!

LED Neon Sign: Your #1 Mascot Marketing Tool

As mentioned, making a brand mascot popular is a different story. You're not the only business with a feel-good character, so you need something more to stand out. If you're looking for effective marketing on a budget, why not try neon LED signs? Here's why.

Market on a Budget

The production costs of having a brand mascot can be high. Thus, you want to reduce your other expenses as much as possible. Luckily, you don't have to break the bank with LED neon signs. Compared to traditional neon lights, they're not as expensive and fragile.

Make a Long-Term Investment

Investing in LED neon signs has long-term benefits. For one, leaving them on all the time keeps them from wearing out quickly (without risking your electricity bills). They're also easy to install, weatherproof, and low maintenance. All these qualities will bring benefits to your business in the long run.

Use Neon Signs Anywhere

Custom LED neon signs are extremely versatile. You can incorporate them in any commercial or personal establishment, both indoor and outdoor use. Moreover, they offer various designs that you can use as decorative displays with messages to convey. The sky's the only limit with LED neon signs!

5 Ways to Market Your Brand Mascot With Custom Neon Signs

Now that we've discussed the reasons to get a brand mascot and the advantages of using LED neon lights, it's time to discuss how to combine both marketing tools to increase brand recognition! Here are five effective ways to use them.

#1: Use Your Brand Mascot and Neon Signs for Events

If you run a local store, community events are something you shouldn't miss! Organizing or joining one is a surefire way to raise brand recognition. It allows you to engage directly with your target market and promote simultaneously.

Bring a mascot costume to the event and add neon signs to decorate the booth. They will help catch attention, especially if you're not the center of the event. You can hold or participate in local fundraisers, grand openings, limited sales, and educational workshops. Virtual events also work!

#2: Create Your Brand Mascot's Story Involving Neon Signs

People always love a good story. They will undoubtedly get curious about how it came to be, which is good for raising brand awareness. So if you can come up with an interesting backstory for your brand mascot, then you're on the right track!

Of course, it won't be easy. And what's that got to do with neon signs, anyway? Well, you can always involve a neon sign in the story itself! Here are two examples:

To spread the word, you can post your brand mascot's origins on your store, website, or social media channels. A clear and eye-catching story alone can make your brand easily recognized like a celebrity!

#3: Bring the Vibrant Colors to Social Media

You can't skip social media when it comes to marketing. It can significantly make your brand mascot go viral! However, there's a catch: your posts can't get lost in a sea of other content because other businesses are doing the same thing.

That's where brand mascots and neon signs come in handy. This unusual combination helps you create colorful and attention-grabbing posts! If you are organizing or joining a local event, upload photos on your social channels. Make your booth stand out with neon wall art of your brand character and excite your audience!

#4: Include Neon Signs as Part of the Logo Design

How about incorporating both neon signs and the mascot into the logo design? This makes an unusual and eye-catching combination; neon lights highlight the logo, which people look at a brand the most.

This way, you can use it on various marketing materials like business cards, flyers, and merchandise. There are different ways to incorporate a neon sign in your logo, including a

neon word sign on slogans or neon color schemes to reflect a vibrant tone.

#5: Decorate Your Store With Both

What if you're not organizing any special events? How can your store capture the attention of passersby on regular days? The key is to use eye-catching decorations! In that case, a neon sign and brand mascot can single-handedly make your store stand out.

Your physical store needs to be appealing so that passersby will be interested in exploring it. So decorate it with captivating LED lights in neon and add a life- or wall-sized brand mascot near the entrance. They will make a lively first impression when customers enter your store.

Find Long-Lasting Fame and Fortune With a Mascot and LED Neon Lights

Do you still dream of having your own Rich Uncle Pennybags or Chester Cheetah? Now, there's no need to! With an original feel-good character, you can bring your brand to the front line and make it shine even brighter with proper marketing.

And you know what else you can add to make it shine further? A LED neon light! It adds a bright touch to your already attractive brand mascot. Not only that, but you can also include it in the mascot's backstory or design!
Neon signs from Neonize are lasting, versatile, timeless, affordable, and low-maintenance investments. We also offer custom neon LED signs to bring your design ideas to life. Explore our incredible collection today!

Do you find it difficult to get a good night's sleep? Most people know that it is important for overall health, but many don't realize that your bedroom environment can greatly impact how well you sleep.

Making your bedroom a sleep-friendly space is a smart way to get more rest. A glowing LED neon sign with a remote dimmer is a perfect way to start your bedroom upgrade. In this article, you’ll find out more unique ways that can help you have a relaxing environment and doze off easily. 

5 Ways to Create a More Sleep-Friendly Bed Space

Perhaps due to hustle culture, many people underestimate the power of sleep. However, lack of sleep can negatively impact your work performance, mood, and overall health. But it can be challenging to get a night of good sleep, especially when your bedroom is too bright or noisy.

Here are simple yet effective ways to create the perfect sleep environment:

Refresh Your Room Color

Depending on your bedroom wall’s colors, it can impact how well you sleep. Perhaps it's time to refresh your bedroom wall color with cool, light tones. Paint your bedroom walls with blue, green, or gray colors. They are more conducive to restful sleep than warm tones.

Don't have your own bedroom or are not ready for a complete bedroom revamp? You can still make the space more sleep-friendly by adding an accent color. Install cool-toned cloud wall art to make your space look dreamy and conducive to restful slumber. 

Clear The Clutter

You can start with decluttering if you want to sleep more soundly but have a limited budget for a complete bedroom redesign. The way your bedroom is organized impacts the quality of your sleep. It can be tougher to fall asleep if your bedroom is cluttered.

Remove any physical clutter from your bedroom, such as clothes draped over chairs or piles of paper on your desk. You can also purchase an organizer for messy electrical wires to tidy up your room. 

Invest in a Good Bedding

Spending money on quality bedding makes sense because you spend a third of your life sleeping. When choosing bedding, look for materials that are breathable and comfortable. Linen and cotton are good choices, as they will help to keep you cool in summer and warm in winter. 

Also, consider the support you need. For instance, an orthopedic mattress is an excellent choice if you suffer from back pain. And if you tend to get hot at night, a cooling mattress or pillow can help you stay comfortable. 

Wash Your Sheets

Are your bed sheets still in good condition? Have you ever crawled into bed after a hectic day, just to discover your sheets are wrinkled, stained, and just generally not inviting? This impacts your sleep quality. 

According to a recent study from the Sleep Foundation, 71 percent of people reported sleeping better with clean sheets. So if you have a limited budget for a complete bedroom overhaul, washing your sheets is a low-cost yet effective way to make your room more sleep-friendly. 

Try Blackout Curtains

A dark room is essential for a restful night's sleep. This is because light suppresses the production of melatonin, the hormone that aids in regulating your sleep-wake cycle, making it more difficult to fall and stay asleep.

Blackout curtains are an effective way to block light from street lamps with wide-range lighting outside your window or the sun early in the morning. Blackout curtains also help to insulate your room, keeping the temperature warm in the winter and cool in the summer. 

Bright Lighting: The Enemy of Good Sleep

You might think the night light in your bedroom would help you sleep better. It can be convenient to have a night light guiding you whenever you have to get up in the middle of the night, too. However, if it emits harsh light, it can interfere with your body's melatonin production. 

So, if you're using LED strip lights as your go-to night light, it's time to eliminate them. Do you also habitually check an electronic device before going to bed? Blue light is a big no-no. Your usual nighttime routine of using your phone and soaking in social media content could be the culprit of bad sleep. 

Better Lighting, Better Sleep

Blue light exposure before bedtime can interfere with the body's normal sleep cycle. Fortunately, you can easily improve your sleep quality by making a few easy changes to the lighting in your bedroom. For example, replace light bulbs with softer, warmer light bulbs. 

If you love reading in your bedroom and don't want to let go of strong lights, you can opt for a blue light-free LED light bulb. On the other hand, if you don't like a dark bedroom, putting an amber floor lamp that produces dim lighting is a good option.

Cloud LED Light With a Dimmer

If you're looking for a way to add a little light to your life and improve your sleep quality simultaneously, you might want to consider installing a neon sign with a remote dimmer. After all, studies show that neon LED lights have a soothing effect on your mind and body. 

Wondering what design and color of neon sign you should go for? Why not try a cloud LED light? A cloud neon sign is a fantastic way to give your home a splash of color and additional light without becoming overpowering. Because it emits a soft, gentle light, it's also perfect for creating a relaxed, soothing atmosphere in your bedroom.

Additionally, if your LED cloud neon sign comes with a remote dimmer, you can easily adjust the light level to suit your needs. Whether you want to create a relaxing ambiance or add a touch of style to your bedroom, neon signs with remote dimmers are a great option. 

Calming Neon Signs For Perfect Sleep

We hope you found these tips helpful and will consider using some of the details to create a more sleep-friendly space in your home. Eyeing a calming yet stylish bedroom? Neon signs might help you get the best sleep of your life!
Neonize offers various glowing neon signs that will fit your every mood, special event, and business. Find the right neon sign for you by checking our collection. Want a more personalized touch or searching for more options? Send us your design, and we'll customize a neon sign for you!

Perhaps you’ve recently seen Blade Runner 2049, and you were stunned by the futuristic setting of the neo-noir film. Maybe you just finished playing Cyberpunk 2077 and found the streets of Night City enchanting. Or maybe you just love that Euphoria vibe.

Either way, you want your bedroom to have the same dark neon vibes. Before hanging up any neon signs and LED lights, it’s best to understand and dive deeper into what aesthetics are and what makes the dark neon aesthetic. 

Let’s jump right into it!

The Makings of an Aesthetic

Believe it or not, the idea of aesthetics didn’t originally come from a famous artist or painter. It is a philosophical discussion, a branch of philosophy that deals with discourses about beauty, taste, and art. Aesthetics looks into what makes something beautiful.

Of course, with its connection to arts, the term “aesthetics” evolved from a discussion of beauty into a set of factors that inspire artists and art movements. An aesthetic works as a template or guide to a certain art style and has factors such as colors, balance, movement, and pattern. 

Today, an aesthetic doesn’t just revolve around arts. Instead, an aesthetic combines photos, colors, films, and music, giving off the same vibe. For example, the “cottagecore aesthetic” radiates the vibe of peacefully living out in the woods with its calm and nature-related imagery.

Glow Wave: The Dark Neon Aesthetic

Now that you know what an aesthetic is and what it’s all about, it’s time to understand the dark neon aesthetic fully, or as some people on the internet call it, glowwave. 

You guessed it; the glowwave aesthetic is all about things that glow in the dark. Whether from the vibrant glow of neon lights, lasers, or LED lights, this aesthetic is meant to make you feel like you’re in the middle of a raging rave or a full-blown house party. 

Glowwave’s visuals and style revolve around bright glowing colors and lights, like neon reds, blues, purples, and greens. Objects related to this aesthetic include glow sticks, neon signs, LED lights, and lasers. 

You can also draw inspiration from other related styles:

Ideas for a Dark Neon Aesthetic Bedroom

Let’s get into what you originally came for: bedroom inspiration and ideas. We’ll bring the party right in the comfort of your bedroom with our tips and tricks listed below.


As we know, different colors have varying meanings and give off different vibes and moods. For example, blue helps create a calm and peaceful aura. On the other hand, purple emits mysteriousness, while yellow radiates positivity and happiness. 

Consider which colors complement each other as well. For example, a mixture of neon blue, green, and purple lights usually blends well together for a dark neon aesthetic. 

Light It Up

The dark neon aesthetic is not complete without its neon component. As soon as you decide on the color scheme you want for your bedroom, shop for some bright, vivid home decor and lighting fixtures to hang around your walls. 

Neon and LED lights are what you need for that neon aesthetic. We advise you to attach these along the edge of your walls and ceiling. This design allows you to have great and moody lighting around your space. 

When it comes to neon signs, choose designs that speak to your soul. After all, your room is the space where you can fully express yourself. For example, add a “good vibes only” sign or a skull neon sign in your room. 

Sometimes, you can’t find the design you’re looking for. Don’t worry; you can also have neon signs customized. Look for glowwave inspiration on sites like Pinterest and create a neon design yourself!

You can’t leave out lasers and glowsticks. Make your room look like a real party with laser room lights. Crack those glowsticks and illuminate your space by placing them on your floor.

You can also try placing lava lamps on your desk and shelves. These luminous lamps will surely brighten up and add coolness to your room’s vibe with their mesmerizing and almost hypnotic movement. 

Look Smokin’

Why not try placing a few humidifiers or diffusers around your space or by your bed to emphasize your room’s gloomy yet glowing vibe? Air humidifiers add more moisture to a room’s air and release steam into the air. 

On the other hand, oil diffusers usually add fragrance to your area and release a mist filled with broken-down essential oils. Whichever you use, humidifiers and diffusers emulate the look of smoke, giving more character and feel to your room’s ambiance. 

Get that perfect dark neon vibe while making your room feel and smell great with humidifiers and diffusers.


Decorating your room can’t be all about lights. You must also consider other room and home decor. We’ll leave the furniture and bed design to you, but we can help you with your wall decor! 

Enhance your bedroom walls by hanging some posters. Since you’re going for a dark neon aesthetic, pick posters that will fit your theme, like glow-in-the-dark or vaporwave posters. If you’re going for a more grunge look, you can try adding band or movie posters on your walls.

Bass Boosted

As mentioned, an aesthetic isn’t just about visuals. The goal is to stimulate most, if not all, of our senses to immerse ourselves in a certain vibe fully. And what better way to do so than with music?

Grab your best high-quality-sounding speakers and place them around your room. Then, pick a few songs and create a Spotify playlist that fits the dark neon aesthetic. Or you can play created lo-fi hip-hop or vaporwave mixes and compilations on YouTube. 

We recommend songs with a heavy background bass or a chill hip-hop beat to get you and your room in the right mood. 

Spice Up Your Bedroom with Neonize!

You’re ready to put on your glow-in-the-dark shades and create your dream dark neon aesthetic room. Make your bedroom the life of the party with the bright and glowing glare of Neonize’s neon signs. 

Neonize has an enormous selection of neon signs that can light up places beyond your bedroom. We have neon signs for home decor, businesses, events, and even holidays! 

You can also customize your neon sign with us. Send your custom design, and we’ll neonize your sign for you!
Check out our collection here!

If you're tired of the plain white light on your walls, perhaps it's time to upgrade to ambient neon lighting! We know what you're feeling. You're probably thinking, "Au contraire, mon ami. But neon lights are for clubbing and outdoor signs only. They aren't meant for decorating my home."

Well, guess what? You can now get LED light wall decor that’s just as bright as neon at a fraction of the cost—and they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes.

So let us tell you why ambient hanging neon would be perfect for your home!

Cool Decor

There is something about neon lights that’s just magical. Maybe it's the way they glow, or maybe because they have been around for such a long time, bringing to mind your best memories of the past.

If you have ever walked by a store or restaurant with a neon sign and thought about how cool that would look in your home, you might want to consider getting one for yourself!

In fact, if the number of neon-lit installations we see on Instagram is any indication, it seems like everyone wants their own neon light wall decor installation these days! But why?

Neon lights are cool and fun. They're a great option for adding a splash of color to any space, and you can put them up for a variety of purposes.

Broad Assortment of Options

Ambient neon lighting is the way to go if you want a change of decor. It comes in a variety of colors and styles that will match your personality and interior design style.

Ambient neon lights are available in all different shapes, sizes, and materials. You can choose from simple contemporary designs or more elaborate pieces with intricate details that add interest to any room.

Extremely Flexible Like String Lights

Ambient neon lighting is extremely flexible. You can hang it on your wall as a hanging piece of wall art or use it as a centerpiece in your space.

Much like string lights, you can also decorate an entire room with the lights. The possibilities are endless!

Low Voltage and Eco-Friendly

For the environment, LED bulbs are the best option. Did you know that LED lights can reduce energy consumption by as much as 90% when compared to conventional bulbs of the same brightness?

LEDs for illumination mean you won't have to replace light bulbs often. In addition to having a major impact on trash reduction, this strategy also has financial benefits. This measure mitigates short-term costs while long-term savings are realized.

Customization Options

If you are tired of the same old light fixtures, you can switch to ambient neon lighting. This kind of lighting is not only cool but also very flexible and can be used for decoration! It allows you to create a unique look that fits the decor of your room.

Suppose you're an aspiring Youtuber or a Twitch streamer; you can order a customized 'Subscribe' neon sign button for your wall light decor.

Most neon sign shops nowadays are within your reach. With just a click of a button, you'll find yourself transported to their online shop, like a website, where you can browse hanging wall fixtures on sale. Some items are ready for shipping, while others are open for customization.

The great thing about it? You no longer need to worry about pickup or delivery. It ships to your location, so you don't have to sweat over it.

Get Awesome Light Wall Decor at Neonize

Have you seen the awesome LED lights? These are so cool, and they come in a variety of colors. Also, for your space, you can bend and shape them to your liking because of their low voltage and adaptability. These are also fantastic for those who prefer an alternative to the conventional "serious business" appearance. You can get creative with these lights, making them stand out at any party or gathering.

Below are some of our Neonize light recommendations:

If you liked this set of recommendations, we sure have more in store for you at our site! Drop by to see an array of light wall decor that may just fit your room personality.


If you're looking for a unique accent light with a wide variety of customization options, then neon lighting may be perfect. These lights have been around since the early 1900s and are still popular today because they offer so many benefits over other types of decorating choices.

In this article, we covered some reasons why neon lights are great options for your home or office space, as well as tips on choosing between different bulbs if you decide now is the time to improve your decorating game!Tune in to our site for sweet deals and beautiful wall art for any kind of space!

You want to create more footfall for your new store. It's not going to be easy, so you think about holding an in-store event to generate excitement and draw attention. 

But what if another shop around the block plans an event on the same day? How will you beat them and divert people's attention to yours?

Here's our suggestion: how about using neon shop signs for your in-store event? Not many people can ignore a neon sign glowing on a corner! 

Aside from being a stunning event decoration, they can also help you with other tasks. How? That's what we'll be discussing on this blog!

The 6 Most Common Types of In-Store Events for Your Neon Sign Project

Do you already know what kind of in-store event you'll hold with neon signs? If not, here are the six most common types to choose from! 

Each advertising event has a different purpose, so choose one that can help you accomplish a certain business goal.

1) Educational Marketing: Seminars or Workshops

How would you like to hold an educational in-store event? This will certainly set you apart from the competition because your goal isn't simply to sell. 

Rather, you want to inform them about your area of expertise and how your business can help them. Doing so will help customers understand your brand better and evaluate their buying decisions.

2) Brand Introductions: Product or Service Launches

Are you planning to offer a new product or service soon? Then, hold a launch event and use a neon sign to highlight it! 

This is one of the most prominent types of in-store events. Not only does it catch the attention of potential buyers, but it also builds rapport with stakeholders.

Moreover, people can test your product or service and give feedback. In exchange, it will help you evaluate metrics and determine which aspects customers like and dislike.

3) A Sense of Belonging: VIP events

The best approach to building customer trust is to make them feel special. A way to accomplish that is by holding a VIP event. 

If you have a loyalty program, for instance, invite its members and provide them with some exclusive benefits. This way, they will feel valued and have another reason to return to your shop.

4) Get Social: Meet-Up Events

Try organizing a fun event from your store for like-minded enthusiasts! Promote an in-store meet-up with a neon sign and give your audience a wonderful experience. 

For example, if you sell clothes or accessories, hold a mini runway show or design competition. Invite your customers to participate and award prizes to the winners.

5) Annual Fun: Holiday Retail Events

Of course, you shouldn't miss out on the holiday crowd! During the holidays, people look for unique experiences; they will be more than willing to participate in exciting in-store events. So use this opportunity to hold a special event in your store. 

Create a corner with a neon sign label and feature limited holiday products, for example. Then, make it a cause-related campaign. It's an excellent way to encourage people to participate!

6) Do Good and Feel Good: Charity Events

People are often, if not always, more willing to spend money for a good cause. They prefer businesses that allow them to contribute to the community's well-being. 

So consider hosting a charity in-store event to drive more people into your shop. This demonstrates your support for their beliefs, allowing them to feel connected to your brand on an emotional level.

Launch an In-Store Event Successfully (and Brightly) Using These 8 Neon Light Ideas

We hope you now have an in-store event plan in mind! Next, let's proceed with your ultimate eye-catching weapon: a LED neon light. 

Shop neon signs boost a space with their vibrant colors and attractive design; it's for these reasons that they make great tools for business purposes. Find out how to set the standards of in-store events with custom neon lights!

#1: On-Brand Neon Sign Decorations

Let's start with the most common application of neon signs: decoration. 

Do you need a couple of leaves and flowers on the walls? How about some words or quotes that resonate with your brand? 

Depending on your niche, you can always find a relevant design to create neon wall art for your in-store event.

#2: Highlight a Marketing Phrase With LED neon signs

Marketing phrases or call-to-action (CTAs) are important when holding an in-store event. You want your customers to enjoy what you've prepared, but you also need to market your brand.

In that case, use eye-catching LED neon signs to highlight words like "limited sale," "save your spot," or any other advertising phrases related to your upcoming event.

#3: Light Up Your Business Logo With a Neon Sign

Don't forget to make your logo noticeable and memorable on the event day! You can customize your logo with LED neon signs and make it shine throughout the event. 

Guests will definitely not miss it for a selfie! In addition, you can keep using it during normal business hours to draw the attention of passersby.

#4: Give Directions Using Neon Signs

Many of your guests are entering your store for the first time. They might not find the event location immediately if you have a big establishment. Therefore, consider putting up some LED neon signs on walls or doors that give directions. 

You can choose from directional arrows, directional words, or non-verbal symbols. Just keep in mind to make them easy to understand!

#5: Present Something With a Neon Sign

Do you intend to have a presentation at your event? Perhaps you prepared one for a workshop, seminar, or product launch. 

Incorporating neon signs would be a good way to get people excited about it. For example, you could hang a neon light on the spot you'll be presenting. 

Then, the design would be a symbol or a few words describing the material you'll demonstrate.

#6: Use Neon Signs for Creative Lighting

How about using a neon sign as part of the event's lighting system? Don't think you can't get creative because it's a business event. You can still appear professional with a LED neon sign! 

Consider lighting techniques such as backlights or edge lights to make your LED sign stand out. You can also go with a glow-in-the-dark theme if you want!

#7: Build a Selfie Booth With Neon Signs

No matter the event, you should never exclude a photo booth from your program. We are now living in the era of social media, and LED neon sign selfies are all the rage right now! 

So if you want to increase customer engagement, don't forget to dedicate a selfie booth in or outside your store. 

Of course, keep the designs on-brand or encourage using branded hashtags to spread the word.

#8: Create Something Out of the Box With a Custom Neon Sign

Do you have more ideas for using neon signs for your shop? Then, take the custom neon signs route! 

Companies like Neonize offer custom neon services—simply send them your design, and they will create it for you. 

The possibilities with LED signs are endless, so don't hesitate to experiment and get creative to your heart's content!

6 Neon Sign Maintenance Tips for Future Use

One of the top advantages of neon lighting is that they last longer and require little maintenance. Hence, you can use them again if you wish to hold another in-store event in the future. 

However, being low-maintenance doesn't excuse you from exercising caution when handling custom neon signs. Therefore, you still need to figure out how to care for them properly. 

Below are six useful tips to make the most of your neon sign investment!

  1. Practice regular cleaning. Turn the lights off first before you begin.
  2. You may use vacuum cleaners, small brushes, or feather dusters to clean them.
  3. If you can, keep the lights on 24/7 (except when cleaning them). This is because frequently switching them on and off will only cause them to wear out faster than expected.
  4. When cleaning a sign, use warm water and detergents without toxic ingredients like ammonia.
  5. As much as possible, install or store them in secure spaces. It's better if the area isn't easily accessible to pets or children. It prevents collisions and item breakage.
  6. Before plugging the sign back in, make sure it's completely dry.

Market Your Retail in Bright Detail With a Neon Sign from Neonize

With an in-store event plan in place and the addition of LED neon signs, you can be more certain that your business will thrive! 

Nothing captures the attention of passersby more than a business sign in neon. It will surely be an effective marketing tool for promoting an event or attracting more customers during regular business hours.

Check out our huge collection of energy-efficient and handmade neon signs! We have an extensive range of layouts, from symbols and icons to popular and on-brand quotes. 

You will certainly find one or two that perfectly suit your event's theme. And if you can't find the design you want, we also offer a custom neon signs service.
Furthermore, we serve neon signs not just for a USA shop but all retail stores worldwide. So check out our neon collection today and spice up your upcoming in-store event!

Koreans love barbeque, and there’s no doubt that your restaurant is one of the best places to get it. Not only do Koreans love barbeque, but foreigners do as well. The combination of smoky, grilled meats and fresh, crisp vegetables is irresistible, and the communal dining experience is hard to beat.

But how will you make your Korean barbecue restaurant more enticing to everyone? No worries! Neonize has some ways to revive the Seoul style to your restaurant, making your customers say, “Swag!” as soon as they walk through the door.

Spice Up Your K-BBQ Business With These 4 Tips

Korea is best known for two things: its rich culture and its delectable food. And when it comes to Korean meals, nothing quite compares to Korean BBQ. It comes with the sizzling sound of meat on the grill, the scrumptious aromas filling the air, and the taste of tender, juicy steaks. 

If you're in the business of grilling up delicious Korean BBQ, then you'll want to see that your samgyeopsal shop is as noticeable and welcoming as possible. Fortunately, there are a bunch of techniques to take your K-BBQ store up a step further. Four of the most effective methods are detailed below:

1: Invest in Quality Meat and Unique Side Dishes

Of course, the most decisive element of any K-BBQ restaurant is the quality of your meat. In fact, they are the star of the show! Therefore, purchase only the best, most recent cuts of beef, pork, and chicken. This will make for a more delicious meal and show your potential customers that you know their interests very well.

Make their day more memorable with a sort of side dish. Traditional Korean sides like kimchi and bean sprouts are always a hit, but you could also consider offering something unique like grilled vegetables or sweet potato fries to complement the pork bellies. 

2: Play Traditional Korean Music Outdoors

Traditional Korean music is the perfect way to tap into that richness and give your customers a taste of authentic Korean culture. 

By playing traditional Korean music in your shop, you'll help to create a calm and welcoming ambiance. And who doesn't love the sound of a sultry jazz ballad or lively folk song while enjoying a delicious meal? So hit the volume and let the euphoric Korean music whisk your clients to another era.

3: Add a Curb Appeal to Your Storefront

Curb appeal is everything to attract customers, and your storefront is the first thing they'll see. They may not even come in if it's not up to par! 

You can increase your curb appeal by adding some greenery, repainting your door, or hanging Korean display signs. For example, you could hang a K-pop idol group poster (e.g., BTS, Twice, Blackpink, Red Velvet). Alternatively, you could display Korean light signage above your door or window. Whatever you do, make sure that your storefront is open and inviting. Otherwise, customers may keep walking!

4: Boost Your Shop with a Neon Sign

A busy K-BBQ joint is a perfect place for custom LED neon signs. The combination of the bright colors and the busyness of the restaurant will draw the eye to the neon sign. 

These business signs will also add an extra touch of excitement to your shop. The crowd can see the store's neon sign from a distance. Furthermore, neon signs make the restaurant more visually stimulating when most K-BBQ places are closed at night.

The Best K-BBQ Business Sign: Open Neon Sign

For a business to expand, they need to have an advertising sign that grabs people’s attention. A bright and eye-catching sign can spell the difference between customers coming in or walking right past your business.

A classic “Open” neon sign is a surefire-winning choice. This LED neon sign is for businesses that wish to project a fun, appealing vibe. The illuminating colors and bold lines of open neon signs are impossible to ignore. More importantly, an open sign is universally recognized as meaning that businesses are welcoming and ready to serve customers.

Final Thoughts

Korean BBQ is one of the hottest cuisine fads right now. And if you want to get in on the action, neon advertising signs, just like the open neon sign, are the cherry on top! Neon signs are a common choice for businesses because of their easy installation, inexpensive cost, and striking vibrance. 
Thinking of making the crowds turn heads and taste buds? Neonize can help! We'll work with you to create a distinctive design (e.g., open bar neon signs, welcome neon signs) that entices foodies to visit your K-BBQ restaurant. And if you want more business signages, don't hesitate to check our amazing collection today!

The next wave of brides-to-be is on its way! It is a very exciting life event for them, so you want to ensure they enjoy shopping at your bridal store. However, you look around the room and notice that it lacks appeal and is in dire need of a makeover.

Design is crucial to a bridal shop's overall success. You might have the best wedding products, but the look of your shop is what gets their attention first. That's because a beautifully decorated store can inspire and excite a bride about her wedding. 

So before the next brides-to-be set foot in your boutique, let's give it a quick, affordable, and stunning revamp! Here are some fantastic ideas to freshen up your bridal store's interior and exterior, including neon signs for wedding receptions and other decorative items!

Why Incorporate a Neon Sign Into Your Bridal Boutique?

There are plenty of beautiful options to decorate a bridal shop. However, for the first sections of this article, we want to highlight a specific decorative piece: neon signs. At first, you might not think this vibrant item will fit a laid-back, soft, and elegant place like a bridal boutique. But we believe it's the opposite, and here's why!

2 Ways to Use Neon Wedding Light Signs in Your Bridal Shop

We hope the reasons above altered or supplemented your perception of neon signs. If not,  let's look at two ways to incorporate neon signs into your bridal shop this time!

Option #1: Use a Neon Wedding Sign as a Shop Decoration

The first and most common use of a neon sign is decoration. It's an eye-catching spot in your store, which helps get more foot traffic. However, a neon sign's purpose doesn't end there; it can also convey an important message!

Say something important

You can use neon signs to display the name of your boutique or indicate "open" and "close" hours. Do you have an upcoming limited-time sale or product launch? You can draw attention to it with a neon sign so that more customers will notice.

Add a poetic touch

If you want to be a little indirect and poetic, choose a wedding-related phrase or quote to display on the windows. Adding a ring, heart, or flower neon sign complements the shop's decor. And if incorporated with a gentle neon white color, the atmosphere becomes more relaxing and romantic.

Market your business online

Say what? You can use a neon sign to market online? Absolutely! Here's a popular idea. Build a photo booth for brides-to-be and encourage them to upload the pictures on social media with on-brand hashtags! Here's how to use neon signs in this scenario:

People will definitely look up your business after seeing the spectacular photos circulating online!

Option #2: Offer Custom Neon Signs for Wedding

How about a service extension? If you want to expand your wedding products or services, consider offering personalized neon signs for a wedding! Neon signs are all the rage these days, so it only makes sense that many plans to use them to spice up indoor and exterior spaces.

They are especially in demand for special events like weddings. That's because they look great during the day but even better at night! So, for example, if your customer is having a garden wedding, they can order a custom neon sign to illuminate the lovely plants, flowers, and trees around the venue.

Naturally, wedding neon sign production has a specific process. You need to have durable, safe, and high-quality materials to create them. Plus, they have to be certified before you can sell them. We use LED Flex technology at Neonize to create neon lights that not only look great but can also withstand outdoor temperatures!

8 Other Fantastic Decorative Ideas for Your Bridal Shop

Neon signage alone can significantly impact your bridal shop's interior. But if you're unsatisfied and want to add more wedding day decor, here are eight ideas to consider!

1. Pastel Curtains and Tablecloths

Add some softness and elegance to your bridal shop with pastel shades for your window treatments and tablecloths. Pastel tones are perfect for weddings because they express purity, innocence, and sweetness.

Moreover, these items are reasonably priced and easy to find in stores! These are why pastel decorations are timeless wedding trends. So get your own and give your bridal store a gentle and elegant look!

2. Vases, Wine Glasses, and Candle Holders

Another way to decorate your bridal shop is by displaying vases, wine glasses, and candle holders. Use these as luxurious centerpieces for your tables or as decor on shelves. 

They will make your boutique look Instagram-worthy! You can also serve the brides and guests to make them feel more welcome in your store. 

3. Monochromatic Wallpaper Patterns

Keep the decor as simple as possible to maintain your shop's laid-back and soft feel. But that doesn't mean you can't incorporate other elements into your wallpaper! Choose a monochromatic design with pretty patterns to make a statement without being flashy.

One example is a floral print over a cream background. This way, your store looks classic and chic at the same time. 

4. Glittery Pillows

A little sparkle in your shop can significantly brighten the mood. It is an exciting time for the bride, so make it even more exciting with glittery decorations! For example, adding glittery pillows in seating areas can make the place more fun and festive while maintaining a subtle vibe.

It's an affordable way to glam up your sofas, chairs, and couches, especially old ones. Additionally, other guests will have a lovely place to relax while the bride tries on item after item (especially gowns). 

5. Chandeliers

Decorating your bridal shop doesn't have to be expensive. If you want something glamorous like a chandelier but think it's pricey, think again! Some companies sell them for a reasonable price, so you don't have to break the bank for one. 

If an existing light system needs an upgrade, add a chandelier to add a luxurious touch. Adding this decorative piece enhances the bride's experience in your shop. It makes them feel royal, like a princess in a castle picking out the perfect dress and jewelry!

6. Golden-Framed Mirrors

A bridal shop isn't complete without a beautiful mirror! Naturally, the bride wants to see her reflection, whether it's a close-up of her face or a full-body view. But you don't just hang or mount any mirror. It should complement your interior design, and golden-framed mirrors do this well.

Install it on a wall with a spacious area so the bride can comfortably look at her reflection as she tries on gowns and accessories. Place them from different angles or views for various perspectives. Do you also want to decorate the mirrors? Then, consider adding fairy lights or fake leaves for a more romantic feel.

7. Floral Displays

Most bridal shops would always decorate with flowers, so you should too! They add charm, color, and life to your space. But these aren't the only benefits; real plants and flowers, for example, can boost your mood levels!

Furthermore, they come in different styles. So you can get some stationary flowers on tables and counters and hang others from a mirror or a custom neon sign. Floral displays will contrast your walls and soften your bridal shop's interior.

8. Magazine Rack

Guests patiently waiting for the bride-to-be could pass the time by reading magazines. If you like, you can also provide bridal magazines for the bride to look at and dream about! However, you're also concerned about them looking all messed up on the table. In that case, consider getting an elegant magazine rack!

A rack has two benefits for a shop. First, the elegant design (e.g., golden or M-shaped rack) contributes to the overall interior. Second, it keeps the magazines organized and safe from damage.

Neonize: Custom Neon Sign Services for Weddings

To succeed in business, you need to consider the entire customer experience—not just the moment they purchase your product. For example, at a bridal boutique, it's vital to make the brides feel excited during their wedding planning. It's one of the biggest events in their lives, so you want to make the journey memorable.

In that case, decorate your bridal shop and make it a magical place for brides-to-be! Many affordable and gorgeous decorative items are available, from floral displays to pastel curtains. 

But, among all these, we recommend getting neon signs! They're eye-catching pieces that can illuminate spaces, add more character to your shop, and convey important messages.
If you want unique and high-quality neon signs, visit Neonize! We offer a huge collection of LED neon lights, including neon name signs for weddings. If you're unsatisfied with the lineup, you can opt for our custom neon sign service. Explore our fantastic designs today!

Swanky, sexy, and colorful — a neon sign is a perfect addition as room decor. It's also a great way to spruce up an entire room or an entire party — especially if you're going for something more low-key.

It may be low-key, but that doesn't mean you can't have fun with it by using your imagination.

Neon signs are all about having fun with bright colors and don't have to be too serious. You can even replicate your favorite movie or band logo in neon. If you're looking for signs that will make your next gathering memorable and unique, jump to this list now!

#1. Pizza Slice Neon Sign

One of the most important things to consider when planning a house party is your decor. You don't want to have a bland party with no pizzazz and be remembered as boring. You don't want to be overly obnoxious or tacky, though.

Aesthetic cool neon signs are a great way to add color and interest without being obnoxious or over-the-top. A pizza slice is perfect for neon signs. It’s approachable and familiar, so it won't intimidate your guests.

#2. Alcohol You Later Neon Sign

If you're planning a party, there's nothing like a little extra flair to make your guests feel special. Alcoholic drinks help you achieve this, but if you want to add something extra to your bar, you need an Alcohol You Later neon sign.

An Alcohol You Later neon sign is a fun touch to any home bar and can be used indoors or outdoors. It's also a great conversation starter for anyone who enjoys drinking and partying.

It will help your guests know where all of the good stuff is at your next event. And when it comes to parties, good things tend to happen when everyone knows where they should go! 

Plus, it makes your home bar look much more stylish than just having bottles of liquor sitting out on the countertop.

#3. Rocket Neon Sign

The rocket symbolizes space exploration, the human spirit, and adventure. It's also a symbol of the future because it's so cool! This sign will fit right into your decor scheme if your party is themed around these things.

The rocket neon light is one of the most popular items in our collection of neon lights. It has a lot going for it — it's bright and colorful, easy to read from across the room (and even farther away), and affordable enough for anyone to purchase one!

#4. Dinosaur Neon Sign

You can't go wrong with a dinosaur neon sign if you're trying to make a bold statement.

A neon dinosaur sign is a party essential. You can use this little guy as a man cave room decor or night light for your next event. You can also use it as a home decoration for a kid’s room. It could be the perfect present for a pal who shares your enthusiasm for prehistoric critters.

Awaken your inner child with these fun LED neon sculptures!

#5. Barbecue Neon Sign

If you love themed events like fancy soirees or home restaurant dining parties, it's always a good idea to look at elements that will complete your gathering's settings.

For example, a barbecue neon light is an excellent addition to the Sunday barbecue cookout you're hosting. You can put it outside while everyone mingles next to the cooking range with a bottle of beer in hand. This will add a touch of color and style next to your string of outdoor fairy lights.

Keep this selection in mind next time you plan to search for an LED neon light for your barbecue party.

#6. Ganbatte Japanese Neon Sign

Suppose you're hosting a Japanese-themed gathering to celebrate the rich culture of Japan. You can get the experience of partying on the effervescent streets of Tokyo for a fraction of a plane ticket price. An LED neon sign decorating your walls will nicely mimic that energy.

In addition, the Japanese character isn't just for aesthetics but for encouragement. "Ganbatte" is a form of encouragement in Japan that teaches everyone to keep going no matter how difficult things are. Who wouldn't be inspired to take risks and accomplish more after seeing this dazzling neon sign?

#7. Tropical Island Neon Sign

As a wise woman once said, "let's go to the beach-each, let's go get away." You'll do exactly that with this neon version of a tropical island.

Conjure up visions of relaxing with a beer or margarita as the sun goes down or the feel of the sea spraying over your skin. This neon light is the best kind of wall art to have for your pool party. 

#8. Eggplant Emoji Neon Sign

The eggplant emoji symbolizes love, fertility, sexual innuendo, and food. It's also a symbol of fun and an all-around good-time icon! You can expect to brighten any atmosphere with this LED neon wall art.

Don't even worry about the power adapter! Most LED neon signs are rechargeable and battery-operated. So you can expect it to brighten birthday parties (or your bedroom) all night long.

#9. Cactus Neon Sign

If you want to add a little bit of color to your party, then an LED neon cactus is just what you need.

You might think, "what kind of party needs a cactus?". We're glad you asked because we think Wild West-themed parties are highly underrated. You can even use this for a party that celebrates Mexican culture. If you didn't know already, a cactus is seen as a restaurant menu item that is loved for its flexible flavor profile.

The cactus is made of LED neon tubes that give off a bright green glow when lit up, while the flower glows hot in red. The cactus neon light makes an excellent choice because it can be hung up or mounted on a wall easily, and its size makes it perfect for small spaces like a home bar or shelf.

#10. Everybody Is Free To Love Neon Sign

One easy way to make your events more inclusive is by hanging up a rainbow LED neon sign. You can show that you’re an ally with this simple gesture. Setting the mood with some simple decorations, such as a rainbow-colored LED neon sign, can also have a major impact.

It's also an appropriate gift for a wedding reception with spouses who identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community. Finally, it is a sweet gesture for partners who might have been waiting several years to marry.

So regardless of whether it's newlywed gay couples or a straight gathering of friends, these neon signs will add vibrancy to your party or wedding.

#11. Star Sparkle Neon Sign

When a neon light is as bright as this, your midnight occasion is bound to be lit! We're not just saying that because this wall art is awesome but because cool yellow neon signs will literally add a glow to your evening.

Cute and straightforward to install, one of the product's many advantages is you won't have to pay someone else to take care of it. Actually, it is so simple to set up that you can do it in a matter of minutes. It's also an LED neon light, so you can expect cheaper electricity than fluorescent lights in stores.

#12. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Neon Sign

The ideal way to enjoy the holidays is with a neon sign! Add merry energy to your event with Christmas-themed LED neon lights. Your home will be illuminated by the glowing neon Christmas tree, which will also help you feel more festive. 

LED neon lights are a great choice for enhancing the holiday spirit. Reminding us of the good times when we were kids and running through the streets to find gifts under our families' Christmas trees.

Turn your holiday house party into a cool one with this perfect neon light!

LED Neon Signs: House Party Staple

Here's a collection of some of our roster's most interesting neon signs; we hope you dig them! You can use them as décor or even hang them around the party area as decorations. Use these 12 fantastic neon signs to inject life and dimension into your space. 

The Takeaway

LED neon signs are the perfect decorative touch for your next festivity. These fun, festive pieces help add color and excitement to any space while also adding a touch of class. No matter what look you're looking for; you can find a neon sign that will complement it perfectly!

These bright displays add color and vibrancy wherever they go and offer a sense of style that truly makes them stand out from the crowd (literally!).

When choosing neon signs for your home or business, there are so many options available that it may be difficult to know where to begin. Luckily for those looking to add some extra pizzazz to your decor but don't know where to start, we have more recommendations for you!

And if you don't find anything you fancy, you can always hire us to create a custom neon sign.

Custom LED Neon Lights For Next Party? Yes!

If you didn't see your type of neon light within this selection, you could always order a custom neon at our online shop, Neonize. At Neonize, we create whatever you want into a custom neon sign. Do you want a design of your silhouette or something to complement your office space? Then, we'll give you an LED neon version of it! We’ll even have cool neon signs for your room!Whether that's for something more than a house party but a wedding or a birthday, check out our website for more LED neon ideas, discount codes, and special offers!

Imagine returning to your dorm room after flunking an exam you studied all night for. You’re bummed, disappointed, and beyond exhausted. Luckily, you turn your head and see the “positive vibes only” neon sign on your wall, reminding you that the world is still spinning and that test isn’t the only sole measure of your worth. 

While it may seem improbable and borderline silly, having a “good vibes only” sign and seeing other similar affirmations occasionally can turn your frown and whole life upside down! 

So where did this mindset originate from?

Where Did “Good Vibes Only” Come From?

A variation of the popular catchphrase dates back to as early as 1893 when astrologer Frank Earl Ormsby used the term “good vibrations” in his book to describe the energy emitted by celestial and heavenly bodies. However, it would take 70 years for the phrase to enter pop culture. 

In 1966, during a time of peace, love, Flower Power, and all things Hippie, The Beach Boys wrote and released their single “Good Vibrations,” which topped several music charts in the United States. The song was such a hit that it generated a new slang, “good vibes,” which describes a person’s personality and style or a place’s atmosphere.

The slang was again popularized by a new generation of teenagers in the 2010s. “Good vibes” was transformed into a popular hashtag on social media, #goodvibesonly, garnering up to 16 million posts today on Instagram alone. 

The addition of the word “only” changed the catchphrase’s usage from being a mere descriptor in the 60s to a mindset and an outlook in life today. Now, “good vibes only” is used to hype one’s self-esteem, encouraging people to find the positive moments in their day when viewing the world.

Is It Okay to Have Only Good Vibes? 

Indeed, life isn’t just rainbows and sunshine. We understand if you feel skeptical about adopting such a positive outlook. However, it’s impossible not to be curious about one thing: 

Is it really that life-changing to have a “Good Vibes Only” mindset? Surprisingly, it is!

The Science of Happiness 

It may be hard to believe, but scientists have found a way to measure happiness. In fact, they conducted a study during the 1980s on how and what makes people happy. A psychologist named Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi spearheaded the research to discover the science behind happiness. 

Csikszentmihalyi theorized happiness actually arises and blossoms when we’re busy doing a challenging but fulfilling task rather than being found in restful moments. The scientist introduced the concept of “flow,” which is a productive mental state, and its characteristics, which include:

He believed that the flow makes us do activities as if nothing else matters. Furthermore, he claims that the state is so satisfying that it will make us work on tasks just for the sake of doing them. In other words, it’s not the activity itself that makes us happy—what generates happiness is the experience of doing these activities in a flow. 

The saying “go with the flow” makes much more sense now! 

Because of his incredible work, it’s not surprising that Csikszentmihalyi is credited as one of the founders of Positive Psychology, along with Martin Seligman. 

Positive Psychology

Positive Psychology is a subfield that aims to educate people on how to lead happier lives. Psychologists wish to understand what makes our lives worth living. It operates in three main levels: 

Positive psychology motivates and encourages people to practice gratitude, mindfulness, resilience, and positive thinking. Doing so allows individuals to understand themselves better and develop all dimensions of well-being. Practicing positive thinking was even scientifically proven to enhance physical health. 

Researchers Michael F. Scheier and Charles S. Carver coined the term “dispositional optimism,” which is the tendency to expect more good things across life stages. They were able to link the effect of such optimism to improved sleep quality, longer life expectancies, and healthier aging.

What about Toxic Positivity? 

While the idea of focusing on positivity and happiness has been proven to be incredibly helpful, you may still think: what about toxic positivity? 

We agree; this attitude can be detrimental to your growth and mental health but only when taken to the extreme. We advise you to practice these things in moderation.

How To Get Good Vibes: The Realistic Way

The journey to achieve true happiness and contentment may seem lengthy and daunting. The world seems bleak, but we can still find joy amidst the bleak future.

Practice Mindfulness

The first step to achieving joy is self-awareness, and you can start by being mindful of your surroundings and your current emotional and mental state. Then, stop for a moment when doing a troublesome task and check on yourself.

You can also start writing down in a journal to be more mindful and know yourself better. Begin by understanding what happiness means to you. Ask yourself:

By answering these questions, you can process your emotions and experiences better. 

Have a Healthy Lifestyle

Getting good vibes doesn’t stop at changing your mindset. What you eat, drink, and do will also affect your mental health. Taking care of your physical body will also improve your mental well-being.  

Pay attention to your food and drink intake and start eating healthier meals. Adding food with vitamins and minerals to your diet nourishes your body and brain. For example, bananas and nuts can improve your mood because they contain the necessary nutrients to activate dopamine and serotonin in our brains.

Exercising and practicing meditation can also enhance your mood. Regular exercise and meditation allow new brain cells to grow and improve your focus. Exercising and meditating also reduce stress and anxiety. 

Change The Scenery

Your external environment affects your mental health and development just as much as your mindscape. So it’s wise to surround yourself with things that give you a sense of joy and contentment. 

Having a neat bedroom keeps both your space and mind organized. A well-lit, bright room with natural or artificial lighting (like neon signs) can improve your mood. Decorate your space with warm colors, plants, personal photos, and other similar items to bring up your spirit. 

Place a Positive Neon Sign in Your Room

Positive neon signs that say “good vibes only” can be used for mood lighting and can brighten your day. Shine a light against the symbolic and actual dark with your neon lights. You can use it as a reminder to take things a bit lighter as you start your day.

Why not use a neon sign with an entirely different quote? Instead of the usual “Stay Positive” signs, try decorating your space with self-affirming statements to boost your self-confidence. 

For example, have a simple “You can do it!” neon sign in your room or a customized “Believe in yourself” LED neon light as home decor. 

Stay Healthily Positive with Neonize

It’s 2022, and it’s about time we start acknowledging how we really feel. While it is arduous, you must constantly reflect on your experiences to be self-aware and achieve real happiness. 

Accept that life is a rollercoaster ride, terrifying but exciting nonetheless. Start being true to yourself and begin your pursuit of happiness with Neonize’s neon designs.  

Neonize has a wide collection of LED neon signs and lights that can illuminate your room and spirit. Our energy-efficient neon signs are made with durable and long-lasting materials such as LED Flex, PVC, acrylic, and flex rubber tubing. 

Try our “Be Kind to Yourself” neon sign in your desired color or a blue “Good Vibes Only” neon sign to get your good vibes going! You can also purchase a customized neon sign. Send your custom design, and we’ll Neonize it for you! 

Check out our collection and get your Neonized sign with free shipping!

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