wedding proposal decoration

7 Wedding Neon Signs That Will Get You That Perfect “I Do”

Nothing makes a wedding engagement more special than your unique touch to the venue. Wedding neon signs are perfect for setting the tone and mood you want to create when proposing! 

Think this is an idea you can get behind? Keep reading and discover incredible ways these neon lights will lighten up your marriage proposal.

How to Use a Wedding Neon Sign to Style Your Proposal

Do you find flower arrangements and candles overused as wedding proposal decorations? Let your venue shine bright with glowing neon lights! Here are engagement decor ideas that use neon wedding signs: 

  1. Make It a Proposal Banner

Wedding proposals are a once-in-a-lifetime experience. So, adding a unique element to the occasion is vital. Using a neon sign like "Marry Me" as your banner for your wedding proposal will help you pop the big question. 

The neon light stands out in any room, quickly catching the eye of everyone present compared to the usual burlap or curtain banners. It captures the attention of the grand moment while still maintaining an aura of intimacy and sincerity between you and your loved one. 

  1. Hang With Photos

Consider hanging neon LED signs to add a unique, modern touch to your wedding engagement. And because this is a night to remember, use the neon sign to highlight your favorite photos as a happy couple. 

It is wonderful to look back on your fun memories and savour them before the big reveal. It's also a perfect way to mark your enduring love for one another.

  1. Pair With String Lights

You’ve planned your wedding proposal to be dazzling and beautiful with lights. What could be more lovely than a neon wedding sign surrounded by string lights? The neon sign will stand out with its vibrant colors, and the effect created by string lights will help enhance the romantic atmosphere even more. 

  1. Light-Up Letters

Are you thinking of a clever way to amaze your partner with your proposal? Use neon light letters to spell your initials. After all, you're not just sending your message of love but also making the event more exciting and personal. 

For example, find an outside area and shop for two pieces of neon sign letters to spell your names as a couple. This is a perfect way to encapsulate the beauty of your partnership. Plus, those neon signs will surely leave a lasting impression your significant other will cherish forever!

blue wedding neon signs
  1. Match It With a Confetti Balloon

Nothing sets the romantic mood quite like a balloon when proposing to the one you love. Instead of plain colored balloons, opt for something more unique, like a confetti balloon. Combined with traditional decors like balloons, you’re bound to make your approach extra. 

Add more whimsy while keeping your proposal aesthetic with lovely wedding neon lights. For an extraordinary experience, have your partner answer your big question by popping the confetti balloon. 

  1. Hang With Lanterns

Your wedding proposal is one of the most memorable days in your life. It involves a lot of planning until the big day. If you're going for fairy tale wedding themes and can't look for string lights, don't make it ruin the moment. 

Lanterns are an alternative to string lights and an awesome way to brighten up outdoor places. You can spread them around the grass, set them up on trees, or place them around a picnic blanket–whatever suits your wedding proposal style! 

If you want to add extra sparkle and a touch of creativity with ease, don't think twice and use a wedding neon sign. You can also hang the neon LED lights from plants or trees or install them on a wall.

  1. Photo Booth Backdrop

After you get your much-awaited "Yes" from your partner, it's time to keep those memories with you and your partner forever. Make sure you include a photo booth during your wedding proposal planning. 

Bring life and color with a bright centerpiece on the photo booth. A wedding neon sign is an ideal backdrop to capture those memorable proposal moments and keep them preserved in time. It will encourage your guests to strike their best pose and take selfies! 

4 Romantic Wedding Neon Signs For Your Marriage Proposal

With bright, eye-catching lighting, a neon sign isn’t used just to make a memorable photo booth backdrop on your proposal. You can also use neon signs for your ceremony backdrop on your wedding day.  

Here are neon signs you can use on your wedding or proposal for a sense of magic and everlasting romance:

  1. It Was Always You Neon Light

A neon light is a perfect way to show your significant other just how important they are to your life. The "It Was Only You" neon light conveys that you've tirelessly searched everywhere, only to find it with your loved one. 

  1. Ring Neon Light

One of the neon signs to use for your wedding proposal is the Ring Neon Light. It will make your grand gesture sparkle and serve as a visually exciting reminder of your big day. Additionally, this sign serves as a glowing symbol of your love. 

  1. Will You Marry Me Neon Sign

If you’re looking to make your special someone swoon over the unique gesture of proposing with a neon sign, the “Will You Marry Me” neon sign is just what you need. This wedding neon sign captures the emotion perfectly. 

Whatever you have planned to go along with your proposal, adding this neon sign is a surefire way to show your partner that they mean more than anything in the world.

  1.  You + Me Custom Neon Sign

Do you want a neon sign that will stand out among other decor pieces? The "You + Me" neon sign is the perfect way to do it. The bold colors of neon signs light up the space, so even from afar, your partner will know they have indeed found their true love. 

When illuminated, it serves as a reminder to approach every day with a heart full of love. It's also something that expresses your commitment to each other.

Make It More Special with a Custom Neon Wedding Sign!

Neon signs have so much potential to help you light up momentous events like your wedding proposal. From creating that special message for your loved one to crowning the festivities with a gorgeous light display, these signs are an unbeatable way to ensure your partner says yes! 

At Neonize, we offer various neon signs for all moods, spaces and occasions. Express your love even better with a custom LED lights sign

Take your marriage proposal to dazzling new heights and customize your neon sign today! 

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