a gamer rejoices in front of a gaming monitor

Brighten Up Your Valorant Gameplay With a Valorant Logo Neon Sign

Have you ever wanted to show off your Valorant gaming skills in style? Well, now you can with a Valorant logo neon sign! A neon light is perfect for adding that “Wow!” factor to your game setup and proves you're the ultimate Valorant enthusiast. 

Read on to discover tips on using your favorite Valorant neon signs for your gaming room. 

How to Use Your Valorant Neon Sign

Valorant is one of the hottest tactical shooting games in town. If you're a gamer at heart, you may have tried playing this game. And as a gamer, we’re positive that your gaming room deserves to reflect your unique form of expression!

You bring your gaming experience to life by incorporating decorations inspired by your favorite game. If you're a true Valorant geek, here are some fun ways to use your Valorant neon sign: 

1. Valorant LED Neon Lights Can Improve Your Room Ambience

Are you looking to take your gaming room up a notch? Whether it's vintage gaming posters, or a neon sign in red, blue, and green colors, decorations bring the gaming room alive. 

Since you're a Valorant player, a neon sign is one of the coolest decorations you can add to your gaming den. A neon light also sets the perfect atmosphere for gaming nights with friends because who doesn't love the soft glow from a neon sign?

Customize your Valorant neon sign with your favorite agent or team logo. You can also keep it simple with a stylish design that will make you want to jump right into battle. 

2. A Neon Light in Gaming Room Keeps You Alert

Do you want to enhance your aim in Valorant? Neon signs in your playroom are ideal for keeping you focused while gaming. The bold colors will give your gaming room the perfect blend of style and stimulation that helps you maintain your reaction time. 

This neon sign is a brilliant addition to your gaming room decorations, making your gaming time more fun as you get into your gaming groove. With a great gaming mood, you're ready to be your Valorant match's top frag.

3. It Can Be Used as a Streaming Background

Have you ever seen gaming streamers using LED neon lights as their background? You might be thinking of neon signs as simple home decor only. But those lights are a significant visual element for many gaming streamers. 

If you are a Valorant gamer and have a massive following on your channel, a Valorant neon sign gives an impressive glow to your background. Remember that your viewers do not just see your gameplay but also you, including your background. 

Why is a Valorant neon light great as a backdrop? It will help you attract more viewers. A custom logo neon sign is also a brilliant way to showcase your brand as a streamer. 

4. Use Your Valorant LED Neon Sign to Promote Business

Aside from showcasing your smart Valorant gameplays, are you also looking to sell Valorant merch? As a gamer, you know how your fellow gamers love collecting items inspired by their favorite games. They use those items to upgrade their own gaming dens. 

This is a way where you can use multi-color neon signs. These lights have proven how effective they are in drawing customers' attention. If you plan to sell new collections of Valorant merch products or collaborate with fellow gamers, create the hype by lighting up a neon sign

a gaming streamer with a pink neon light and purple backdrop

Valorant Logo and Agent Neon Signs For Your Gaming Room

You now know the different ways where you can use Valorant neon signs. But have you considered the design of the neon sign that you should choose? Don't worry; we'll give you a hot list of Valorant neon lights that suit your favorite space.

Check out these Valorant agent neon signs and find a sign that represents your main agent: 

1. Valorant Logo Neon Sign

Don't feel you're missing out if you're a rookie playing Valorant and have yet to find your main agent. You can show your love of the game by picking classic red Valorant logo neon signs. 

They are perfect to set up on your wall and add glamor to your gaming setup. Let this neon light remind you every day is a great day to practice your aim and find your main agent. After all, it's your own game room, so you have the freedom to curate your decorations! 

2. Jett Ability Neon Sign

If Jett is your favorite duelist or she's your main agent in Valorant, you'll love the Jett Ability Neon Sign. This awesome neon sign bears the symbol of Updraft. If you haven't used Jett on your matches, Updraft is one of her basic skills, which allows her to propel high into the air.

Getting this neon sign for your gaming room will inspire you to be good at casting Jett's basic and ultimate ability. Plus, this will remind you to have fun playing Valorant and make your gaming session using Jett more intense! 

3. Phoenix Ability Neon Sign

How long have you been playing Valorant? If you're a beginner, you may have tried playing a match or two using the five unlocked agents. One of these agents is Phoenix.

Install a Phoenix Ability Neon Sign to your room as you master casting this duelist's abilities. This gaming neon sign represents his ultimate ability, Run It Back. Phoenix can use this Sustain ability to mark his current location, and flames will outline his body.

4. Omen Ability Neon Sign

Do you pick Omen during your Valorant matches? Many Valorant players love using this controller agent. Omen's ability to block vision using smoke and teleport makes him unpredictable. Plus, if you usually carry your team, Omen is your perfect pick. 

Showcase your greatness in playing Omen by hanging the Omen Ability Neon Sign on the walls of your bedroom or gaming room. This LED neon sign displays Omen's ultimate ability, From the Shadows. It allows him to teleport to a location while appearing in a dark shade. 

5. Valorant Brimstone Ability Neon Sign

Brimstone is one of the agents with smoking abilities in the game. Valorant players also pick this sturdy controller because of its smoking ability that lasts longer than other agents. So, is he your main agent? 

Do you love picking Brimstone during ranked games? Show your appreciation to this agent by lighting up the Valorant Brimstone Ability Neon Sign in your room. It features the Incendiary, which allows Brimstone to launch a grenade and create a lingering fire zone. 

a valorant logo neon sign in red color

6. Sova Ability Neon Sign

Do you often become a bot frag after each match? If you struggle with killing opponents in the game, you might want to try Sova. Valorant players love this initiator agent as he provides tons of intel, which alone makes a big impact on your team's gameplay

Hang the Sova Ability Neon Sign on your bedroom walls to remind you to practice playing Sova. This LED neon sign shows Sova's Hunter's Fury ability, which allows him to release an energy blast and reveal the location of enemies. 

7. Sage Ability Neon Sign

In tactical shooting or multiplayer online battle arena games, healers are considered "meta." Players even encourage teammates to pick a healer character. In Valorant, Sage is currently the only healer agent. 

Even if most of her skills are about healing herself and her allies, Sage also has an oppressive ability. The Barrier Orb is one of Sage's basic abilities that allow her to block off enemies with her ice wall. Pick Sage in your matches today and light up the Sage Ability Neon Sign. 

Get a Custom Valorant Neon Sign of Your Favorite Agent

Playing Valorant should be an entertaining experience for everyone. You can practice your timing and game sense with neon signs while creating an aesthetic gaming space. 

Neonize offers quality neon signs for every space, mood, and occasion. We also have a collection of gaming neon signs for geek gamers like you! Do you have a main agent not included in our list? 
Get a custom neon sign and improve your Valorant rank in style!

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